Sunday, December 4, 2016

Grand Rapids Serra Club Newsletter, December 2016

Serra International.  498 Clubs, 46 Countries, 14, 943 Members.
Always Keep in mind that we are part of a world-wide organization, all United in our Dedication to Promote and Foster Vocations.  Let us all pray for a blessed Christmas Season and a Holy and Productive 2017.
For the coming new year, visit the new and update website of

Calendar of Events.

December 8, 2016.  The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Holy Day of Obligation.
December 12, 2016.  Our Lady of Guadalupe.
December 12, 2016.  Monthly Meeting, Christmas Celebration, Speaker and Dinner, 5:30 p.m. at the University Club.  Feel free to invite guests who couldn't attend the November Member-Guest meeting.  Speaker will  be Fr. Ron Hutchinson, Diocesean Director of Vocations.  Board Meeting begins at 4:30 p.m.
December 25, 2016.  The Nativity of the Lord.
December 26, 2016.  St. Stephen, The First Martyr.
December 27, 2016.  St. John, Apostle and Evengelist.
December 28, 2016.  The Holy Innocents, Martyrs.
December 30, 2016.  The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
December 31, 2016.  International Rosary for Vocations, 8:00 9:00 a.m. EDT.  John Osterhart can assist you in finding out how to tune in.

Looking Ahead....

Plan Ahead.  These dates will come upon us before we know it!

February 2-5, 2017.  World Day of of Prayer for the Consecrated Life.
February 16-19, 2017.  Serra Rally, Phoenix, AZ.  9This event offers a wonderful chance to get together with other Serrans to pray and work for our common goals, but also an opportunity to take a break from our Michigan Winter.
June 22-25, 2017.  Serra International Convention, Rome, Italy.  Look ahead to another chance of a lifetime to pray and work for vocations in this wonderful location.

Priests' Anniversaries for December.

Fr. Norbert Leyrita, December 21, 1964.
Fr. Michael P. Olson, December, 1994.
Msgr. John Porter, December 15, 1957.
Fr. Julian Reginato, December 19, 1964.

Why not address a card to one or more of these priests to thank them for answering the Lord's call.  Also, don't forget to send your parish priests a Christmas card!  Addresses may be found at website.  Click on the link to priests.

Congratulations to our Newest Member.  

Jim Rosloniec joined our club on November 30, 2016.  John Osterhart is his sponsor.  Thank you to all who attended our Member-Guest reception, and especially to those who invited guests.  Keep in mind that it's always an appropriate time to invited guests to join us at our monthly meetings, and especially to think of those people you might invite to the next member-guest event.

Remember to Pray for Those in Need.  There is Good News!

Iraqi Church leader offers Mass of Thanksgiving for donors in the West.  Wednesday, 23, 2016.

"There will be Christians in Iraq to continue the mission that we have been asked to do for 2000 years."
Homily by Archbishop Basher Matti Warda.

I come from Erbil, where we have worked closely with you, especially in a very difficult moment for Christianity in Iraq.  Two years ago we were really afraid, terrified.  Some of you came to Erbil and heard our fears and listened to all these words, which we were expressing, and saying, "Well, we are afraid that in time there will be no Christians in Iraq because of what ISIS did."
But today, we can tell you the good news that there will be Christians in Iraq.  Today we can tell you that over 12,000 families of Mosul and the Ninevey Plain are waiting for news as their lands and their villages are being liberated--(waiting for the moment that) they could go back and start their life again.
I am sure some of them will stay in Erbil.  I am sure some of them probably will decide to leave the country.  But at least there will be Christians in Iraq to continue the mission that we have been asked to do for 2000 years.
And this was not going to happen without you.  You can be proud that we are the Catholic Church; we are proud that we are really the temple of God.  We are proud that we are one family and still caring for each other.  And because of your help, and the help of others, there are Christians in Iraq.
So, you have to be proud of yourself that what you have done was not in vain.  That what you've done was really worth all the efforts that you were campaigning for, petitioning political leaders, speaking in communities, in churches, everywhere, writing articles, doing interviews.
So, from Iraq, from Kurdistan, I say thank you:  Thank you for all you have done for our community, for our Church, and thank you for the continuous help...
I offer this Mass for you, for each of you, so that God will bless you as His temple, always.  And for this temple, we will always have words and action for warm solidarity.
God bless you all.

Archbishop Warda heads the Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil in Kurdish Iraq.  This Mass was said at the temporary headquarters of International Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, in Kronberg, Germany.

Serra International Foundation.

As the year comes to a close, please consider donations to the Serra International Foundation.
See the Serran, Vol. 63, No. 2 n The Grand Rapids club and the Houston clubs were named Majorca Award Winners at the St. Louis Serra International  Convention.  See the upcoming January newsletter for more information.

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