June 2, 2012. Ordination of three seminarians to the permanent diaconate, 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Serrans who wish to assist with ushering should report at 9:00 a.m. RSVP to Tim Hile if you can help. Biographies of the three will appear immediately below the calendar of events.
June 11, 2012. Luncheon Meeting and Speaker Jimmy Hsu, 12:00 Noon at University Club. His biogtaphy will appear immediately after the list of transitional deacons.
June 18, 2012. Board Meeting, 12:00 Noon at Sacred Heart.
June 21-23, 2012. Serra International Convention, Providence, Rhode Island.
June 23, 2012. St. Lazare Retreat House Men's and Women's Golf Outing, Grand Haven Golf Club. 8:00 a.m. Registration, 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start, Scramble. We are sponsoring a foursome of priests. June 15 is the last day to register. Call 616-842-4040 or e-mail Fr. Vincent O'Malley at vomcm@att.net.
June 25, 2012. Prayer Service and Luncheon Meeting, 12:00 Noon at Sacred Heart.
Looking Ahead...
August 13, 2012. Luncheon meeting and tour of St. John's Home, 12:00 noon. Maps will be provided.
October 4, 2012. Father Fred Presentation, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at Aquinas College. This presentation will be centered on the book, The Heart of a Priest. Bill Bjork has read the book and says it's wonderful.
Father Edwin Frederick, Father Fred, was a Catholic priest who served in the Traverse City, Michigan area from 1959 until his death in 2000. At the time of his death, thousands mourned the loss of this incredible man.
For the first thirty years of his time in Traverse City, he served as Catholic chaplain at the Traverse City State Hospital, a state-run mental health facility that closed in 1989. When the state hospital closed, Fr. Fred started the Father Fred Foundation to help those displaced residents who suddenly found themselves homeless in Traverse City. Initially, the foundation was a drop-in center where "his people" could stay in contact with the man who treated them with so much dignity. Neither a person's denomination nor belief mattered to Father Fred. If someone needed help, Father Fred was there.
Eleven years after his death, his biography was written by Traverse City author, Paul LaPorte.
The Transitional Deacons.
Mr. Scott T. Nolan, 25, is the son of Holly and Robert Nolan of Muskegon. He has three siblings, Sean (Kendall), Daniel (Ashley and daughter Amelia), and Brian (Tiffany) Nolan. His home parish is Prince of Peace North Muskegon. Mr. Nolan is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas and St. John Vianney Seminary with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and Catholic studies. In 2011, he completed an internship at Holy Name of Jesus parish under the mentorship of Father Stephen Dudek. Mr. Nolan will enter his final year of seminary at University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois in the fall of 2012 and will receive his master's of divinity degree in May 2013.
Mr.Charles J. Schwartz, 30, is the son of Felipa and Michael Schwartz of Grand Rapids. He has five siblings, Rose, Cecelia, Angelica, Jeffrey and Rita. Mr. Schwartz's home parish is the Shrine of St. Francis Xavier and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Grand Rapids. Mr. Schwartz is a 2009 graduate of the University of St. Thomas and St. John Vianney Seminary with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and Catholic studies. In 2011, he completed an internship at St. Michael Parish, Muskegon Heights, under the mentorship of Father Tom Brown. Mr. Schwartz will enter his final year of seminary at University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois in the fall of 2012 and will receive his master's of divinity degree in May 2013.
Mr. James VanderLaan, 28, is the son of Patricia and Stephen VanderLaan of Grand Rapids. He has two siblings, Sarah and Joshua VanderLaan. His home parish is the Shrine of St. Francis Xavier and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Grand Rapids. Mr. VanderLaan is a 2007 graduate of Grand Valley State University with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and Spanish. In 2011 he completed an internship at St. Francis deSales Parish in Holland under the mentorship of Father Charlie Brown. Mr. VanderLaan will enter his final year of seminary at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois in the fall of 2012 and will receive his master's of divinity degree in May 2013.
Biography of Jimmy Hsu, CSP, our speaker for June 11. Date of birth, November 1, 1988. Home town: Plano, Texas. Favorite Saint, St. John the Evangelist. Hobbies, reading, speeping, computer games, golf, and food. Favorite foods: Chinese and Italian. What did I enjoy most about my pastoral year? Experiencing and participating firsthand in the ministries of a pastoral minister, and of a Paulist I look forward to working as a member of a parish team to serve the people of a parish.
Vocation Story: I first considered the priesthood after going to a youth retreat in the eighth grade. It was always on my mind as I went through my high school years. When I entered the University of Texas in Austin, I met the Paulist Fathers, who serve at the campus ministry. I became active in campus ministry and got to know the Paulists well. The priests became my mentors and continued to encourage my discernment for the priesthood. As I was graduating, I gelt that I wanted to apply to enter the seminary. With encouragement from the Paulists in Austin, I chose to apply for the Paulist novitiate. I have found my novitiate to be very rewarding and hope that I continue to be guided though this path.
Priests' Anniversaries for June.
June 1. Michael Albert, Gasper Ancona, Louis Anderson, Bernard Carlin, Joseph Fix, Melvin Fox, Troy Nevins, Jose Luis Quintana, Chris Rouech, Anton Tran, William Zink.
June 2. Matthew Barnum, Victor Kynam, Donald Lomasiewicz, Mark Peacock, Ken Schichtel.
June 3. James Bozung, John LaGoe, Thomas McKinney, Anthony Russo, Ron Schneider, Anthony Vainavicz.
June 4. Eugene Golas, Tom Schiller, Luis Garcia.
June 5. Charles Brown, Tom Brown, Michael Danner, George Fekete, Pedro Garcia, David Gross, the Most Reverend Walter Hurley (priesthood), Paul Milanowski, Louis Stasker.
June 6. Michael Burt, James Chelich, Norman Droski, Aaron Ferris, Msgr. John Giammona, Tom Vesbit, John Wisneski.
June 7. Michael Cilibraise, Godfrey Onyekwere, Anthony Pelak, Philip Salmonowicz, Phil Sliwinski, Peter Vu.
June 11. Fred Hoesli.
June 12. Tom Bolster.
June 13. John Vallier.
June 14. Mark Bauer, Ed Boucher.
June 15. John Thome.
June 16. Thomas Page.
June 18. Thomas DeYoung.
June 19. Msgr. Terrance Stewart.
June 24. Patrick Grile, Msgr. Edward Hankiewicz.
June 27. Francis Sacks.
June 28. Ayub Francis Nasar
June 29. Robert Balsar.
Thank you, Lee, for compiling this list and sending the cards.
Nominating Committee Report for 2012-2013.
President: Tim Hile XX
President-elect: Agnes Kempker-Cloyd XX
Treasurer: Pat Leikert (Continuing)
Secretary: Nancy King//Lee Sullivan XX
Vice-president Communications: Nancy King (Continuing)
Vice-president Vocations: Nancy Mulvihill X
Vice-president Membership: Weldon Schwartz X
Vice-president Programs: Larry Mulligan X
Trustees: Bob Gabridge*
Dan Grady***
Bob Paul*
John Osterhart***
Past President: Dan LaVille
Moderator: Msgr. Edward Hankiewicz
Symbols: X=First year of two; XX=Second year of two; **=Second year of three; and ***=Third year of three.
Date of installation of these officers: TBA
The Serra Hour of Holy Family Radio's Sharathon.
On Wednesday, May 9, our club participated in Holy Family Radio's Sharathon, the radio's first on air pledge drive. The pledge generated over 500 pledges totaling over $175,000, including matched pledges. The 5-6 p.m. hour in which Serra was featured generated over $5500 in pledges, including matched pledges provided by club members. Club President Tim Hile, former club member Msgr. Bill Duncan, and current members Mark Kubik, Weldon Schwartz, and Dan Grady discussed the history and activities of the club with Pledge Drive host Jerry Usher, who produces the Vocation Boom radio show heard on Holy Family Radio on Saturdays and Sundays at 5:00 p.m. Club members Dan LaVille, Beverly Shields, and Nancy Mulvihill helped answer phones on the pledge phone bank. Our participation has generated interest in joining the club from three persons who listened or met Serrans at the station during the Serra Sharathon hour. Thanks to all who helped and pledged.
Information provided by Dan Grady.
A Tribute to Ralph Hauenstein.
Of his 100th birthday, Ralph comments, "I've been fortunate to have many, many good things happen to me throughout my life...People ask me what I attribute my long life to, and I just say, 'stay alive.' It's the best I can do."
Thank you, Ralph, for all you have contributed to our club (as one of the three founders), our community, and our country.
A Special May Ordination.
Formerly a federal bankruptcy judge, Father Timothy Corcoran, 66, was ordained as a priest on May 20 after four years of seminary school in Massachusetts. He has been assigned as a parish priest at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Dunedin. He is a graduate of Blessed John XXXIII National Seminary, a special seminary for older men. There were eight graduates in his class.
His first day was almost his last. Tim Corcoran was 62, a former federal judge in Tampa, used to having his own way. He had a home off Bayshore Boulevard, all to himself. But here he was in a cold monastic cell of a room with bare floors and walls, with a tiny bathroom he'd have to share for the next four years. The bare room did drive home the idea that the priesthood is a calling of sacrifice and humility. "It was ugly and noisy and it looked like an institution. What was I thinking?" This was his quarters at Blessed John Seminary.
Few men come into the priesthood with as many life experiences, though at the special seminary, Corcoran had classmates who were physicians, retired military, government bureaucrats, and even two veterinarians. He's a combat veteran, an ex-husband, a lawyer, and a former judge.
Corcoran and his father, also named Timothy, served in Vietnam at the same time. Corcoran's mother, Betty Lou, and his father lie together at Arlington National Cemetery. Before he came home from the seminary, Corcoran made his customary visit.
"Whatever success I've had in the past had involved setting a goal and making a plan and then taking credit for what I had achieved," he said. "It was all about me. That's the antithesis of the seminary experience. All we are doing is being instruments of the Lord." Father Corcoran celebrated his first solo mass on May 21 at Sacred Heart Church in Tampa.
Source: Tampa Bay Times. Furnished by Dan LaVille.
A Message from our President.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the University Club on June 11. Our speaker will be Jimmy Hsu, CSP. The regional conference is moving forward with invitations to speakers so that we can publish the agenda and generate interest in the fall conference in Cleveland.
Enjoy the slower pace of summer and continue to pray for our current priests and seminarians. Some of our priests will be moving to Senior Priest (retired); change can be very hard but we hope to be able to help them and aid their transition. As you get the opportunity to contemplate Serra and its purpose and your purpose within Serra, think about this: You know well enough that our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them. -St. Therese of Lisieux
Mary, Mother of Vocations, Pray for Us.
President Tim Hile
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