June 4, 2009. Adoration. This date represents a change from our usual adoration schedule. Adoration will take place at Sacred Heart from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 4.
June 6, 2009. Ordination of two priests, Aaron Ferris and Michael Burt, and one deacon, David Gross at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, 10:00 am. Serrans who wish to serve on the Hospitality Team should arrive at 8:45.
June 7, 2009. Trinity Sunday.
June 8, 2009. Luncheon and speaker at 12:00 Noon at Louis Benton Steak House. Aquinas professor Dennis Marshall will speak about the Trinity.
June 15, 2009. Serra Board Meeting, 12:00 Noon at Louis Benton Steak House.
June 22, 2009. Prayer Service and Luncheon Meeting, 12:00 Noon at Sacred Heart.
Other Dates to Note: An alternative First Friday event, a Eucharistic Night Vigil, will be held at SS. Peter and Paul Church on June 5, 2009. Mass starts at 7:00 p.m. with rosary and prayer to follow. The event closes with Benediction at 9:50 p.m. The invitation states, "Please come and pray with us for an end to all wars and for an end to all abortions. We need especially to pray for our country and for peace in the Holy Land. "
Also, you are cordially invited to a retirement reception honoring Father Michael Danner and bidding farewell to Father Mark Peacock on Sunday, June 7. The reception will take place in the Msgr. Charles Brophy Center at St. Jude Parish, 1120-4-Mile Rd. NE, from 12:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. with presentations at 1:00 p.m. Please plan to join in celebrating with these two priests and wishing them well in their future endeavors. Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Bulletin, May 24, 2009.
August 27-31, 2009. Serra's 67th International Convention, Omaha Nebraska. Opening Mass at 6:00 p.m. at St. Cecelia Cathedral. Principal Celebrant, Most Reverend Elden Curtiss, Archbishop of Omaha, followed by Welcome Reception and Dinner at 7:45 p.m. The Convention will close with a Travelers' Mass in the Qwest Center at 8:00 a.m. Principal Celebrant Archbishop Emilio Carols Berlie. Registration may be completed online by visiting http://www.serra.org/. All hotel reservations MUST be made directly with the Hilton Omaha by either calling the hotel directly aat 1-800-445-8667 and quoting the group code "SIA" or by visiting 222.serra.org and clicking on the appropriate link.
A note in the May 22, 2009 edition The Bellringers, by John Woodward, presents the following information:
This edition contains important information regarding the business to be conducted at this year's international convention. Omaha 2009 will offer a convention venue and program of the highest standard. If you have not attended an international convention before, make the best of this year's opportunity for an informative and stimulating look at the Serra spostolate worldwide.
It is over six years since Serra's international convention was held in the Midwest of the United States, which encompasses some of the most dedicated and active Serra Clubs in North America. Our host this year is the Most Reverend Elden Francis Curtiss, who served as Serra's seventh Episcopal Adviser from 1994 to 1999. The convention will be an occasion for honoring an outstanding member of the Catholic heirarchy who has long been an ardent promoter of priestly vocations and a great supporter of Serra's vocation apostolate in many parts of the world.
Omaha 2009 will focus the attention of Serrans on the ministerial priesthood of the Church. The convention theme, "Pastores Dabo Vobis--The Role of Christ's Lay Faithful" invites us to reflect more deeply on two of Pope John Paul II's teaching documents of the 1990s that are of particular relevance to Catholic laymen and laywomen. The choice of that theme has been made even more appropriate by the recent decision of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to call a special "Year for Priests" which will run from 19 June, 2009 until 19 June, 2010. Those dates were chosen to mark the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Jean Marie Vianney and to recognize his new designation as "Patron Saint of Catholic Priests."
Once again, Serra needs the solid support of its worldwide membership if the Omaha convention is to truly emphasize Serra's increasing global outreach as the lay apostolate for vocations in the Catholic Church.
Many of you are approaching the end of your term as district governor, club president, or as the holder of some other important office in Serra. As leaders of Serra, you can help to ensure that Omaha 2009 is the success it deserves to be. Please make a direct appeal to your constituency so that we can achieve a big boost in first-time registrations. Your personal encouragement may well make the difference.
Thank you for your help in this and for all your good work for Serra.
Mary, mother of vocations, pray for us!
John W. Woodward
Executive Director
Another Letter from John Woodward. Dear Serrans: On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Serra International Foundation,k I wish to thank you for your recent contribution. Your gift of $500 is deeply appreciated, and Ralph Hauenstein will be honored at Mass by Most Rev. Timothy M. Dolan, Serra's Episcopal Adviser.
You will be pleased to know that your gift will help make possible an increase in your Foundation's annual grants to seminaries and houses of religious formation around the world.
Since 1951, financial support from your Foundation has enabled many young people to discern and respond to God's call to serve the Church in priestly ministry or consecrated religious life.
By helping Serra to provide future generations with priests and consecrated religious, your gift will touch many lives and many souls.
May God bless you abundantly for your generous support of the Serra International Foundation.
Mary, mother of vocations, pray for us! Sincerely, John W. Woodward, Executive Director.
A Delegate from Every Club. Every Serra Club should send a delegate to Omaha. Our delegate will discuss and vote on a number of important matters, including proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of Serra International, a proposal to increase the international dues base, the election of the 2009-2010 Board of Trustees, and the approval of the 2009-2010 budget. Delegates also bring back to their clubs a report of the convention happenings they inform members of the new ideams and initiatives for focation activities, internal programs, recruiting and membership retention, and communications. Delebate credentials sent by mail must be postmarked NO LATER THAN JULY 28, 2009. Alternatively, delegate credentials may be taken in person by a delegate, alternate delegate, or proxy delegate and hand-delivered to the office of Serra International at the Qwest Center (Room 207) in Omaha before noon on 28 August, 2009. Please call Pam at 893-5233 if you are interested in serving as a delegate.
Charter Night, 2009. On May 21, 2009, Grand Rapids Serrans installed two new members, Lee Sullivan and Francis Lake, along with its 2009 officers and trustees, with a Vespers Service in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. A reception at Cathedral Square Conference Center, with refreshments and dessert, followed the ceremony. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Sam Gregg, Director of Research of the Acton Institute.
Our club was especially honored by the presence of a number of special guests. District Governor Louis Rapin of Saginaw conducted the Installation Ceremony. Past International Presidents Ralph Hauenstein and the Hon. Dennis Leiber also attended, as well as Jean Erhart, daughter of Paul Morrissey, one of the original Serrans, and Tom Linck and George Reidel of the Muskegon Serra Club.
Dr. Gregg shares something in common with another of our very distinguished guests, Mr. John Woodward: both were born in Australia. Approximately 65 Serrans and guests attended.
Many thanks to all those who contributed to the success of this memorable evening, especially to Joseph Scoville and his Programs Committee, and to Tim Hile and his Membership Committee.
About Dr. Gregg and his Featured Address: Benedict XVI: Restoring Faith in Reason. Watch for Dr. Gregg's new book on the above-mentioned subject, soon to be released. On Charter Night, Dr. Gregg spoke of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's role in the pontificate of John Paul II, and of the significance of Benedict XVI's 2006 Regensburg Lecture, a memorable occasion which defines him as the Pope of Reason. Our faith, he explains, is a faith of reason. In essence, because our Catholic faith is a faith of reason, it is not a burden; it is a liberation.
Dr. Gregg, who holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral philosophy from the University of Oxford, is the author of an impressive number of books and articles, several of which have been translated into a variety of languages. He has also written extensively on the thoughts of Benedict XVI and Sir Thomas More. A complete list of his publications can be found on the Acton Institute website. We extend our gratitude to him for adding this dimension to our understanding of our Catholic faith and to the Programs Committee for inviting him.
From a May Edition of Catholic Weekly: Religious order to mark 200th year.
DELHI TOWNSHIP, Ohio. In 2009 the Sisters of Charity throughout the United States and Canada celebrate the 200-year history of charity and dedication that was begun by a small band of young women under the inspiration of Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Md. in 1809. This is a special year of rejoicing and celebration as Sisters and Daughters of Charity honor the life and accomplishments of a remarkable woman, wife, mother, convert and foundress--the first American-born saint. To learn more about the 200th anniversary and the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati visit http://www.srcharitycinti.org/ or call 513-347-5466.
The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, whose Motherhouse is in Delhi Township, a western suburb of Cincinnati, is an apostolic Catholic women's religious community that exists to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service and prayer in the world. The sisters live and minister in 17 U. S. states and in Guatemala and in Mexico. 172 lay Associates join more than 450 Sisters in their mission. (Submitted by Pam McKenzie).
Vocations Committee. Our two sponsored Notre Dame Vision students will attend the week of July 6-10. As of now, one of the students' fathers will drive them to the event, and Len Gross will ride along. Pam McKenzie has agreed to pick them up. Both high school sophomores, one student is from St. Stephen's Parish and the other is from the Parish of St. Robert of Newsminster.
Keep our Priests and Religious in Our Prayers, especially Fr. Ted Kozlowski, Pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows, as he continues his radiation treatments. As of this writing, he has completed 22 or his prescribed 35 treatments. The results of the radiation cannot yet be determined. Father Ted has been celebrating weekday masses at OLS from time to time, and this past weekend his parishioners, led by Fr. Don Weber, set aside a short time during the Prayers of the Faithful to pray in silence for him. The Lord hears our prayers!
We Note the Passing of Sister JoAn Brown, OP. Sister JoAn Brown, OP, born in Flint, Michigan, died in Grand Rapids on May 18, 2009 at the age of 78. She served as a Dominican Sister since 1947...In 1991 Sr. JoAn began her ministry as coordinator of pastoral care, spiritual director, and parish librarian at St. Robert of Newminster Parish. In this capacity, Sr. JoAn visited the sick and shut-ins, comforted the bereaved, coordinated service projects and prayer groups, and conducted retreats and days of reflection. Sister JoAn was greatly loved and held in high esteem by all who knew her. Let us pray for the repose of her soul.
A Blessing for Blessing Okoli. Nigerian-born Blessing Okoli, niece of Father Eugene Okali, Pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Lowell, faces heart surgery to repair a damaged mitral valve. The surgery will take place in South Africa, and total costs have been estimated at $100,000. Blessing, 14, is the oldest of three children. Her father is an auto mechanic, and her mother died in 2007. There is no health insurance in Nigeria, Okoli said.
St. Mary's parishioners have rallied around Okoli and have hosted a benefit concert to help raise money for Blessing's care. Fifth Third Bank branches are accepting donations to the Blessing Okoli fund, listed under the name of St. Mary's parishioner Laurie Garcia. Source: The Grand Rapids Press, May 9, 2009.
A Message from our President: Dear Serrans: What a busy month of May! Congratulations to the Muskegon Club as they celebrated their 60th anniversary. Many Grand Rapids members joined in their special celebration. A highlight of the evening took place when Mark Kubik introduced Ralph Hauenstein. Good job, Mark! Ralph, we all love you and appreciate everything you do for Serra!
Many thanks to Joseph Scoville and his committee for an outstanding job for our 61st Charater Night anniversary. Thank you, Father Ed, for presiding over a beautiful, humbling, and inspirational Vespers Service. Many thanks to Bishop Hurley and his staff for use of the Cathedral Square Conference Center. The good was delicious, and the socializing was a lot of fun. Everyone I have talked to enjoyed Dr. Sam Gregg. I hope we can invite him back again for a future event. Also, a big welcome to our newest members, Lee Sullivan and Frank Lake.
At this writing the plans for our summer picnic are not complete. We have not secured a location. Watch for more details at June meetings and in July's newsletter.
This Saturday, June 6, is Ordination Day for the Grand Rapids Diocese. We need 8-10 people to help with hospitality. We wish both Deacon Aaron and Deacon Michael the very best as they are ordained to the priesthood and get their first assignments. Seminarian David Gross will be ordained a deacon and we wish him the best as he finishes his final year of schooling.
As you enjoy the summer, I hope you don't forget Serra. Working for vocations is a year-round opportunity of service for the church and for yourself. Recruiting new members is a year-round need as well. Invite someone to a luncheon. You need not wait until our next member-guest reception. Also, get involved in a committee as part of your commitment as a Serran. Many hands make the work a lot easier. The Programs Committee, along with Father Ed, are working very hard to get quality speakers for our lulncheons at Louis Benton's. Let's fill the room as we learn more about our Catholic faith, Catholic issues, and Serra.
God gave us another gift today: Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit. How is that Spirit working through you?
Pam McKenzie.